

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ranch #2....Ed Saves the Day

Babers is an outdoor cat that lives on Chris' ranch.  Maybe Babers is going to miss the ranch more than any of us.  Miss Babers is a good mouser and a good birder (unfortunately). And she seems completely comfortable in the "wild" where the coyotes prowl.  But she did some wandering while I was visiting.

Chris: "I haven't seen the cat in two days."
Me: "Maybe she's just hiding in the garage."
Chris: "No.  She hasn't touched her food or used her cat box."
Ed: "Hmmph."
Chris: "I'm really worried that she's hurt."
Me: "C'mon, let's go find her."

So, Chris and I wander all around the ranch, calling out for Baby.  Well, Chris calls, I stay silent because as Chris says, Babers is very shy and won't come to anyone but her.  We search.  We look in the blackberry patch, the meadow, down by the creek, the skunk hill.  No Babers.  We come back up toward the house and the deck out back.  I am looking under the deck, next to the pool.  No Babers.  But then, Chris stops.

Chris: "You don't suppose she could get stuck down this post, do you?"
Me: "Down this skinny post?  Did she like to climb on the gazebo?
Chris: "I don't think so.  But listen.  There's definitely something stuck in this post......ED!!!!"

And twenty minutes later, after Ed took the gazebo apart, the bird was free.  Yes, I got a picture of the bird.  It flew right past me on the right and then on the left and then fluttered right in front of me, confused as it was. When it got its bearings it dashed off to the almond tree in the picture below.

I know, I know.  You can't see it?   In all my excitement, I was madly trying to get the picture as the bird flew first one way and then the other.  Photography will never be my forte.  But trust me he's there.....and Ed is a hero.

Oh, and the cat?  Chris found her sleeping soundly in the garage the next morning. Ed: 5;  Babers: 1; Chris and Sallee: 0.

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