

Monday, March 3, 2014

Plant Peas During a New Moon

I think that might have been something I read once in fairy lore....that you should plant peas during a new moon in March.  I hardly think I had to wait until March in my climate, but the boxes weren't ready, so today was the day.  And I planted seedlings.  So much faster and easier.  The strange thing was, when I went to the nursery, they also had a ton of tomato plants.  I think it's a bit early to plant tomatoes, but I did get one hardy looking cherry tomato and the weather has been very mild, so he'll probably do very well.  Take a look....
The tomato is on the right, peas on the left.  There's a tulip that somehow slipped into the box there in the center and a few onions from last year that are finally thinking about growing.  I also planted some lettuce and spinach a few weeks ago.  The lettuce, on the right, is really taking off.  Spinach, a bit slower.
I also planted carrots and radishes in the box above.  Well, seeds.  The radishes will come up in no time.  Carrots, though, are much slower and seem to take forever to sprout.  But the wait is worth it.  In these shallow boxes I planted little fingerling carrots.  I am saving the big multi colored ones for one of the boxes out front.    I meant to have a winter garden as well last season, but it didn't work out that way, as I was busy working my consulting job.  Now that I've cut that back to two days per week, I am looking forward to another wonderful garden this year and lots and lots of tomatoes, my absolute favorites!!! 

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